Friday, April 29, 2011

Stansell Shower

Billy and I were blessed to have a gift card shower for Trevor at this year's Stansell Easter Party. If you haven't heard about the Stansell Easter Party then you are missing a show!It's only about 75 people or so! We eat, watch the kids hunt eggs and catch up with each other.  We shared our shower with Billy's cousin Lindsey, who will have her baby in July.

Sweet Amy did the the cake. She is very talented!! It was so yummy!

Trevor's Grandma! Not sure on her name yet.

Precious little outfits for Trevor!

 Lindsey and I opening our cards!

 A quick picture in front of the cake.

 Trevor's Grandpa and Uncle...what more can you say!

Thank you Stansell family for all the love and prayers you have shown Billy and I during this pregnancy. We know that you all have been praying for us for these past two years. Words can not express how much that means to us! Thank you again for your love and prayers!
I can't wait for Trevor to go hunt those eggs at the Stansell Easter next year!

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