Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God's House

Over spring break, we did some work in our flower beds. This was a must because of a little issue of neighborhood cats and Sesame (also know around the neighborhood as Sesame and Friends) going the restroom there. We had great weather and time to get the job done. 
Flowers and shrubs will come later. We know to wait for that last freeze!
Thanks to Billy and Wesley for all their hard work!!

Also during spring break, we spent some time spring cleaning the inside of our house! I have to say "we" because I couldn't have done this without Billy. This is God's house. When Billy and I bought it we knew we wanted a house that would serve the Lord and be HIS house. 
As always God showed us HIS plan for our house. 
These pictures are just pictures of stuff in our house. Nothing that we couldn't live without. 
We know that!

 My Grandparent Taylor's dinning table! Chairs are still being worked on. 

Billy's Grandmother Mebane painted china. She was a very talented and special lady!

This was my other grandmother's china buffet. It's had a complete makeover. 
I love having pieces from my childhood in my house.


  1. No backyard photo?!
    You gotta whip in a picture of the el refrigerator (doors open). lol

  2. The backyard still hasn't been touched so no pics till that happens! Did you like the paint colors? lol My picture taking and editing skills need some work!

  3. Your house is beautiful, Rebecca!! You are such a good decorator!! Looks like such a cozy home!!! Love your pics!!!

  4. Cool blog! So excited to see all the neat stuff you will post about your growing family.


  5. Thanks Cara and Tonny! I have finally decided to join the blog club!

  6. The carpet was nice! haha Yeah nice colors though. It's hard to believe,b but I have never ever been to your house. haha

  7. What a lovely home you have, you have impecable taste in decorating, thanks for sharing.
